Founding Documents - Bylaws - Las Vegas PC Users Group

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Founding Documents - Bylaws



Bylaws of the Las Vegas PC Users Group

Revised October 4, 2000

I. The Las Vegas PC Users Group is a nonprofit, public benefit corporation organized to accomplish the following objectives:

A. To provide a forum in the greater Las Vegas community for the exchange of ideas and information on personal computers.  

B. To provide assistance in solving hardware and software problems encountered during the use of these computers.

C. To provide access to software in the public domain.

D. To further the common good by fostering the development of computer related skills.

E. To encourage the formation, development and support of special interest groups (SIGs) and chapters within the parent organization.

F. To provide a medium for communication with other users groups.

G. To help facilitate the development of a formal problem solving liaison with computer product manufacturers.

These objectives can best be realized by encouraging an active membership, publishing a widely-disseminated newsletter, maintaining a public-domain and shareware software library, maintaining an active Bulletin Board System, and regular general meetings that appeal to a wide spectrum of those persons who own, use, or are interested ln personal computers.

II. The Las Vegas PC Users Group shall be structured as follows:

A. The elected officers will also function as the Board of Trustees of the corporation and their duties shall be:

 1. PRESIDENT: The president is the chief executive officer of the corporation; the president prepares agendas, presides over the membership and Board of Directors meetings, and serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors.

 2. VICE PRESIDENT: Presides over meetings in the absence of the President; performs administrative duties as assigned by the President.

 3. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR; Presides over meetings in the absence of the President and Vice President; performs administrative duties as assigned by the President.

 4. TREASURER: Administers the corporate accounts, books, and financial records and is responsible for all the transactions related thereto; makes the financial records available for an independent annual audit.

 5. SECRETARY: Administers the corporate records, including the proceedings of all meetings, which will be published in the newsletter.

B. The elected officers of the corporation shall be members in good standing and shall be elected for a one year term, commencing May first, by a plurality of the voting members in attendance at the March general meeting or by a mail-in ballot to be received at the LVPCUG mailing address at least one week prior to the meeting. An election committee of at least three members will be selected from among the membership at the November general meeting. The election committee will solicit and accept nominations for elected office from among the general membership and will provide the nominations to the Newsletter chair in time for a ballot to be published in the February newsletter. Mail-in ballots must be sealed in an unmarked inner envelope. The mailing envelop which must include return name, address and membership number will be opened by a board member and the inner envelope given to the nominating committee to be opened and the ballot counted with the ballots submitted at the March general meeting.

C. The elected officers shall appoint a minimum of five additional members as are necessary to
accomplish the objectives of the corporation. The elected officers and the appointed members shall together comprise the Board of Directors of the corporation. The appointed members shall serve a term coincident with the terms of the elected officers, and may be removed by a vote of two-thirds of the board. All board members must be members in good standing. The Board of Directors shall manage the general business of the corporation, and shall control its current affairs.

D. Fifty percent of the Board of Directors, including three elected officers, constitutes a quorum of the Board of Directors; a quorum is required to conduct the business of the corporation. Decisions of the Board of Directors shall be by simple majority vote of members present and are binding on the elected officers.

E. In the event of a dispute concerning the Administration of the corporation, the presiding officer may invoke the procedures contained in Roberts Rules of Order.

F. Vacancies in offices other than the Presidency shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Board. In the event of a vacancy in the Presidency, the Vice President shall become the President. Should the Vice President be unwilling or unable to assume the Presidency, the Executive Directory shall become the President. Should the Executive Director be unwilling or unable to assume the Presidency, the Executive Board shall elect an Acting President, who shall serve as President for the remaining term. Three consecutive unexcused absences by a member of the Board of Directors, or four in a six-month period, may be cause for dismissal.

III. Membership in the Las Vegas PC Users Group shall be open to anyone regardless of race, creed, sex, marital status, sexual orientation or national origin.

IV. A member in good standing shall be defined as one whose dues are current. Only members in good standing are eligible to vote; one vote per paid membership.

V. Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by any member in good standing, in writing, to the Board of Directors. Such proposed amendments should be considered at the next meeting of the Board of Directors. If the Board of Directors concurs, such proposed amendment shall be published in the next regular edition of the Las Vegas PC Users Group newsletter; it may then be adopted by a simple majority of the voting membership present at the next general meeting, following the publication of the newsletter containing the proposed amendment.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned being the current Board of Trustees of the Las Vegas PC Users Group Inc, have adopted these revised bylaws on this 4th day of October 2000.

President: _______________________________________* Donna M. Sword
Vice President: _______________________________________* Howard Mark
Executive Director: _______________________________________* Phil Barr
Treasurer: _______________________________________* Kathleen Hannula
Secretary: _______________________________________* Jan Marie Staples

* For security, actual signatures are not published here; however, signed copies of the Bylaws are available by request from any member of the current Board of Directors.

Last Modified: 7/20/2022
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